Reduce Equipment Downtime Due To Maintenance

Mining, industrial, and construction equipment are designed to be rugged and operate in dirty, harsh environments, often at higher altitudes and extreme temperatures. Surprisingly, these types of equipment are equipped with ordinary full-flow filters which cannot remove the greater amounts of solid contaminants that enter through the air intake.

Puradyn bypass oil filtration, which keeps engine oil constantly clean while in operation, can dramatically extend oil change intervals by hundreds of hours. Simply put, if the oil is clean and additives are maintained (as verified by oil analysis), it does not need to be changed.  For highly productive equipment, every minute lost dealing with oil maintenance can cost even more than the oil itself.

Often, as a practical solution, maintenance managers will change oil and filters earlier and more often to reduce engine wear. This, of course, increases the cost of doing business.

The puraDYN System lets you keep your oil clean instead of changing it:
– Safely extend oil drain intervals
– Reduce frictional engine wear
– Reduce vehicle downtime/improved productivity
– Additive levels that remain well within acceptable limits
– Better-maintained oil viscosity and improved oil circulation
– Decreased sludge and varnish deposits
– Cooler running engines and/or equipment
– Increase engine efficiency
– Increase engine life cycle to overhaul

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