Filter Change and Oil Analysis

Replace the puraDYN filter element and perform oil analysis at the oil change intervals recommended by your Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). As long as the oil analysis confirms that the oil is suitable for continued use, the oil does not need to be changed.  

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Oil analysis is a fast, non-invasive way to monitor the condition of your engine or hydraulic oil and is key to evaluating the benefits that result from optimized oil life and extended oil drain intervals. In addition, oil analysis is the only economical way to measure wear or contamination in the engine or equipment and often serves as an indicator of potentially costly problems.

Samples are easily taken from the oil sample valve provided with each unit. Sampling the oil before it enters the puraDYN system enables an accurate assessment of the condition of the equipment. The oil analysis is conducted by an independent laboratory and is reported in a three-tier test that includes: spectrographic metals, wear metals, and contaminant metals (these metals must be monitored to fully evaluate the lubrication)

For extended oil drain practices relative to over the road trucks, Puradyn follows the Technology & Maintenance Council’s (TMC) stringent requirements.


With engine running, open oil sample valve


Draw off 1 cup of oil to purge sediment, then fill sample bottle approximately 3/4 full.


Close oil sample valve; close oil sample bottle.


Fill out oil sample form and mail to oil analysis lab for analysis.

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