Fewer Oil Changes Mean Less New Oil Purchased And Less Waste Oil Disposed

A good portion of the world depends upon oil to help operate engines in almost every aspect of day to day living, from basic needs of transportation and food production to the infrastructure, economic stability, and defense of their particular country. However, we also understand that exploration and extraction to produce new oil may take a toll on the environment, and waste oil (recycled to be used as heating oil, heavy lubricant and asphalt) contains its own set of issues, in that these products still contain a substantial amount of harmful contaminants such as carbon and potassium as well as levels of antifreeze and gas. Further, just one gallon of used oil, which contains impurities and toxins, can contaminate 1 million gallons of potable water if disposed of improperly.

So it’s easy to see that environmental responsibility is a concern to all of us.

With a simple oil analysis to confirm that your oil is good for continued use, it can be used indefinitely as long as:

  • Solid contaminant is filtered down to below one micron
  • Water is removed
  • Base additives are replenished (in engine oil) which help keep viscosity intact.

Bypass oil filtration technology can help any company provide the following environmental benefits:

  • If oil is good for continued use, engine and hydraulic oil drains can be safely and significantly extended. This reduces the quantity and need for ‘new’ oil by as much as 90%.
  • When the amount of ‘new’ oil can be reduced by up to 90%, there is a subsequent reduction of waste oil.
  • While extending the life of the oil, bypass filtration extends the life of the engine, in turn reducing additional pollution contributors of the engine components.

Contact Customer Service at info@puradyn.com today for a personalized cost savings analysis for your engines or equipment.

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