Don’t let oil changes interrupt your schedule

Transit bus and truck engines produce greater amounts of both solid and liquid contaminants due to continual stop-and-go schedules. These engines typically run hotter and oil becomes contaminated much faster resulting in more frequent oil drains, but what if you could keep your oil clean instead of changing it?  puraDYN systems will keep engine oil constantly clean while in operation, dramatically extending the time between oil changes by thousands of miles. Simply put, if the oil is clean and additives are maintained, it does not need to be changed.

Since 2010, Lima International Bus 1SA in Peru has been using the puraDYN system on 130+ buses with Cummins natural gas engines and credits puraDYN with an 86% reduction in oil consumption vs. engines without puraDYN.  Additionally, they have experienced a significant reduction in wear levels in both engines and transmissions that benefit from the puraDYN system.

For more information, read the Transit Bus Case Study.


"We calculate that we've saved over 60,000 gallons of oil.
The engines remain clean and
perform at peak level. 

We've also performed extensive fuel consumption measurements
and consistently achieve a 2% - 3% savings in fuel."
Ross Hare | Hare Express, Inc. | Troy, MI


Proven by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE)

A three-year evaluation (2002-2005) of bypass oil filtration technology was conducted by Idaho National Laboratories (INL) for the US DoE’s Freedom Car and Vehicle Technologies Program.  The puraDYN system was selected as the test manufacturer for the duration and used on eleven four-cycle diesel engine buses accumulating 982,548 test miles.

Of a total of 72 bus engine oil servicing events occurring during the evaluation, 64 oil changes were avoided by using the oil bypass filter systems. The 64 avoided oil changes mean 2,164 quarts (541 gallons) of new oil was not consumed nor generated as waste oil.  This equates to an 89% reduction in oil use and a concurrent 89% avoidance of waste oil generation. 

For more information, download the DoE Final Test Report Summary

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